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Mitosis Configuration

In the root of the project, from which you run mitosis, you can add a mitosis.config.js file that will be read by Mitosis. You can also specify a config file by option: --config=<file>.

The mitosis.config.js file uses the MitosisConfig type:

export type MitosisConfig = {
   * Apply common options to all targets
  commonOptions?: Omit<BaseTranspilerOptions, 'experimental'>;
   * List of targets to compile to.
  targets: Target[];
   * The output directory. Defaults to `output`.
  dest?: string;
   * globs of files to transpile. Defaults to `src/*`.
  files?: string | string[];

   * Optional list of globs to exclude from transpilation.
  exclude?: string[];
   * The directory where overrides are stored. The structure of the override directory must match that of the source code,
   * with each target having its own sub-directory: `${overridesDir}/${target}/*`
   * Defaults to `overrides`.
  overridesDir?: string;
   * Dictionary of per-target configuration. For each target, the available options can be inspected by going to
   * `packages/core/src/generators/xxx/types.ts`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   * options: {
   *   vue: {
   *     prettier: false,
   *     namePrefix: (path) => path + '-my-vue-code',
   *   },
   *   react: {
   *     stateType: 'builder';
   *     stylesType: 'styled-jsx'
   *     plugins: [myPlugin]
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
options: Partial<GeneratorOptions>;
   * Configure a custom parser function which takes a string and returns MitosisJSON
   * Defaults to the JSXParser of this project (src/parsers/jsx)
parser?: (code: string, path?: string) => MitosisComponent | Promise<MitosisComponent>;

   * Configure a custom function that provides the output path for each target.
   * If you provide this function, you must provide a value for every target yourself.
getTargetPath: ({ target }: { target: Target }) => string;

   * Provide options to the parser.
parserOptions?: {
  jsx: Partial<ParseMitosisOptions> & {
      * Path to your project's `tsconfig.json` file. Needed for advanced types parsing (e.g. signals).
      tsConfigFilePath?: string;


The Targets type can be any one of, or an array of the following strings:

type targets =
  | 'alpine'
  | 'angular'
  | 'customElement'
  | 'html'
  | 'mitosis'
  | 'liquid'
  | 'react'
  | 'reactNative'
  | 'solid'
  | 'svelte'
  | 'swift'
  | 'template'
  | 'webcomponent'
  | 'vue'
  | 'stencil'
  | 'qwik'
  | 'marko'
  | 'preact'
  | 'lit'
  | 'rsc'
  | 'taro';

Note that you can configure each target generator individually, providing plugins on a case-by-case basis.

Common options

The type BaseTranspilerOptions for commonOptions can be an object like this:

export interface BaseTranspilerOptions {
   * Runs `prettier` on generated components
  prettier?: boolean;
   * Mitosis Plugins to run during codegen.
  plugins?: Plugin[];
   * Enable `typescript` output
  typescript?: boolean;
   * Preserves explicit filename extensions in import statements.
  explicitImportFileExtension?: boolean;

TypeScript configuration

TypeScript includes a full-fledged JSX compiler. Add the following configuration to your tsconfig.json to transpile JSX to mitosis-compatible JavaScript:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "jsxImportSource": "@builder.io/mitosis",
    // other config here

For an example of TS configuration, look at our basic example's tsconfig.json.

Overview configurations

There are options for targets which will affect all components for the generated target. Furthermore, there are useMetadata options which affect only a single component. For more information check out the types.ts file for each generator: