Mitosis Contexts must be:
- created in their own file
- the file name must end with
- the default export must be a function that returns a context object
// simple.context.lite.ts
import { createContext } from '';
export default createContext({
foo: 'bar',
get fooUpperCase() {
someMethod() {
return this.fooUpperCase.toLowercase();
content: null,
context: {} as any,
state: {},
Then you can use it in your components:
import { setContext, useContext } from '';
import Context from './simple.context.lite';
export default function ComponentWithContext(props: { content: string }) {
// you can access the context using `useContext`
const foo = useContext(Context);
// you can use `setContext` to provide a new value for the context
setContext(Context, {
foo: 'baz',
content() {
return props.content;
return (
// you can also use `Context.provider` to provide a new value for the context
<Context.Provider value={{ bar: 'baz' }}>{foo.value}</Context.Provider>